Coinage magazine
Coinage magazine

coinage magazine

2004 Wisconsin Quarter Errors (including the Extra Leaf Error) - $200+.2003 Illinois Quarter Error - up to $10+.2002 Tennessee Quarter Errors - up to $10+.2001 New York Quarter Errors - up to $400+.2000 Maryland Quarter Errors - up to $100+.2000 South Caroline Quarter Errors - up to $200+.1999 Georgia Quarter Errors - up to $10,000+.

coinage magazine

  • 1999 Pennsylvania Quarter Errors - up to $6,000+.
  • 1999 New Jersey Quarter Errors - up to $3,000.
  • 1999 Connecticut Quarter Errors - up to $10,000.
  • 1999 Delaware Quarter Errors (including the Spitting Horse error) - $5+.
  • 1970 Quarter Overstruck On Foreign Coin Error - $35,000+.
  • Quarters Without Ridges - 25 cents+ (how to tell which are errors worth $15 and which ones are merely damaged).
  • coinage magazine

    Best of all, most of the quarter errors can be found in circulation! These are the quarter errors you should be looking for - and their current value: There are so many errors and varieties on quarters that searching for them could keep collectors busy forever! (Sort of like all the error pennies do.) Some of the most fascinating errors and varieties to be found on the quarter are worth hundreds, even thousands of dollars. The bottom line… When it comes to pennies, there are lots of valuable errors to look for! These are the penny errors you should be looking for - and their current value: Penny Error Coins Penny Error Coin Value Floating Roof Lincoln Memorial Pennies $1+ (officially, these are not categorized as errors or varieties but are worth mentioning) Large Date vs. They range in value from a few dollars to as much as $200,000+ and include a smorgasbord of cool rarities and unusual pieces. Pennies offer a plethora of errors and varieties - some are fairly common and some are extremely rare.

    Coinage magazine